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Rapid Technology Transition Initiatives - Office of Naval Research
Rapid Technology Transition (RTT) Program. Purpose The mission of the RTT program is to increase the rate that new, innovative, and potentially disruptive .
Rapid Development and Deployment Technology ... - ONR - U.S. Navy
The mission of Rapid Development and Deployment (RDD) Program is to . solutions that are beyond the Science and Technology stage of development and do .
Glossary - Office of Naval Research
ONR (Office of Naval Research) Logo. Technology Locator .
Transition Overview and Opportunities Dr. Joe Lawrence - ONR
Facilitate technology transition to the fleet, force and acquisition communities. Goals: . Rapid Technology Transition . Small Business Technology Transfer .
Technical Solutions/ONR; Rapid Technology Transfer/ONR; Technology Insertion Program for Savings/ONR; Quick Reaction Funds/DDR&E; Technology .
Science and technology roadmaps - Engineering Management ...
. and opportunities in S&T programs; and identifying obstacles to rapid and low- cost . technology insertion, technology strategy, technology transfer. I. INTRODUCTION . been spent on developing and transitioning these decision aids to the .
May 26, 2011 . Rapid Innovation Program, Congressional progress towards. SBIR/STTR . sition improvements, and the Administration's emphasis on small business . technologies from the Navy Technology Transfer (T2). Program and .
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GOMS Model Work
GOMS Models: An Approach to Rapid Usability Evaluation. This project is a set of technology transfer activities concerned with moving the research . This work was based on using a production-system representation of human procedural .
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celebrate the technology transfer harvest that sprang from the seeds of efforts to revise . papers on research results for publication in scientific journals. . Post World War II the rapid technological strides made under the impetus of a wartime .
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Plan for Technology Insertion
Technology transfer typically focuses on moving technology from one large . Dampier, David A., “Rapid Prototyping and Incremental Evolution”, Software Tech .
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It is an honor to appear before you to report on Science and Technology . rapid Naval fire support and direct machine-to-machine information transfer for joint .
RCED-96-19 Federal Research: Preliminary Information on the ...
Agency officials expressed differing views on the Technology Transfer. Program's . temperature electronics told us that his projects had made unusually rapid .
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(on behalf of faculty/staff of CHREC at UF, GWU, BYU, and VT). August 1, 2008. 2 . Commercial relevance ensured with rapid technology transfer. 4. Research .
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Funding | Global Biodefense
Resources may include items such as announcements on budget forecasts or . Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTT) programs. . Goals for the RIF are to rapidly transition innovative technology from small .
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CCAT San Diego T2 Program page
The CCAT San Diego team in collaboration with SSC Pacific is offering a technology transfer program, which is complimentary to the Office of Naval Research .
DoD Technology Transition Programs - DoD SBIR Beyond Phase II
emphasis on basic research, which in recent years has not kept pace with other parts of . Technology Transfer: Process of sharing, transmitting, or conveying technology data and information . Rapid evolution from old, stable technology to .
DARPA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These figures are "on average" since DARPA focuses on short-term (two to . the Soviet Union had developed the capacity to rapidly exploit military technology. . In pursuit of this mission, DARPA has developed and transferred technology .
Corporate Partners - ElectraWatch - Corrosion and Coating Health ...
ONR coordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology . quality, enhanced effectiveness, and rapid technology transition and deployment. . on a Office of Naval Research Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) .
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Reducing academic openness and impeding the rapid dissemination of knowledge . . research universities did engage in successful technology transfer on a .
National Workshop Report
HAB Research, Development, Demonstration, and Technology Transfer . and Technology Transfer Plan on Reducing Impacts . located on the CDC National Center on Environmental Health (NCEH) Rapid Data Collection platform.
Technology Transfer Program - CLEO
Attend this Free Webinar to get a sneak peek into the Technology Transfer Program. . The free space is available on a first come, first serve basis for the duration . parasites towards rapid screening of water quality will also be demonstrated.
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Cover for Cathy
Federal technology transfer offices typically rely on the following principal mechanisms: . covering data on technology transfer as described in 15 USC 3710(f). . benefit by filling this growing global need for rapid pathogen detection. Sword .
A Survey of High-Technology Transfer Practices in Japan and in the ...
factors in the rapid diffusion of research results in both countries. . energizing the civilian technology transfer process than do . decades based on technology.
A Global Forum for Naval Historical Scholarship
On 20 June 2007 the Spanish shipbuilder Navantia made a clean sweep of the global . Technology transfer was the critical feature in the rapid expansion of the .
Based on visits to leading mobility technology research labs in western Europe, the . Second, research on technologies for rehabilitation therapy is growing rapidly and is beginning to transform . education, training, and technology transfer.
Broad Agency Announcements | U.S. Army Research Laboratory
4:00pm local time in North Carolina on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 . SFC Paul Ray Smith Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC), U.S. Army . Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program · Scientific Services Program . This is a note for all offerors concerning the Army Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) .
S&T Organizations and Related Links
May 1, 2006 . Office of Naval Research (ONR); U. S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Technology Transfer Organizations. Rapid Fielding Directorate, Asst .
Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer. A Primer on Technology Risk Management and Partnering Strategies. John R. . Your Rapid Response group – Does it source external technology inven- tories to .
DARPA Technology Transition
does the U. S. military, the time it takes to apply new technology takes on new . Affordable Tooling for Rapid Prototyping ................................................63 . ARPA were transferred in late 1959 to the Military Departments and the National .
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and nonprofit institutions) issued by ONR, other Navy,. Department of . -Rapid identification of any payment requests requiring correction. -Greatly . -Small Business Innovative Research/Small Business Technology Transfer. Research .
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and nonprofit institutions) issued by ONR, other Navy,. Department of . -Rapid identification of any payment requests requiring correction. -Greatly . -Small Business Innovative Research/Small Business Technology Transfer. Research .
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Expanding the Uses of Naval Ocean Science and Technology
3 STATUS OF ONR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAMS (19-26) . rapid changes in technology, a redundancy and overcapacity of technology supply, .
Survey of high-technology-transfer mechanisms in Japan and the USA
I was soon to discover that there are strong cultural ele- ments in the ways the Japanese acquire, evaluate, and transfer new technology. I elaborate on those .
The Security Network – The Security Summit – East
Coming to Washington will allow us to focus on topics such as cyber security, anti -terrorism, GIS, port & maritime security, rapid technology fielding, and .
Manager's Guide to Technology Transition in an - ACQWeb
Small Business Innovation Research News (current, up to date news ...
Jan 30, 2012 . Bookmark this page and return often to keep up with the rapidly changing world of. Small Business Innovative Research & Small Business Technology Transfer. . This one will include extra, targeted information for NIH/HHS applicants. Significant discounts will be available through the sponsors Maryland .
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Parts-On-Deirand: Manufacturing Technology and Technology Transfer. Asseelwtent by . Assembly Systems Capable of Ecoi,,mic and Rapid Low- Volume .
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Federal Technology Transfer Offices on the Internet | Technology ...
This is a guide to technology transfer offices or centers at Federal Laboratories and related sites.
Untitled - the University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials
Laboratory Materials Center of Excellence on Multifunctional. Materials; 2) Office of . innovative solutions and the rapid technology transfer to our spon- sors.
Harmful Algal Bloom Management and Response: Assessment and ...
simple, accurate, and rapid methods that can be used in . and technology transfer of methods for PCM of . Demonstration, and Technology Transfer Plan on .
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. Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants for the . Commercialization of the technology is actively underway in a number of areas . enabling software libraries for rapid application prototyping ( InstantVision) and . The Cellular Visual Technology (CVT), developed by Eutecus, is based on .
White Papers on Advanced Manufacturing Questions
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology's . offered by some was that advanced manufacturing is manufacturing that entails rapid transfer .
Federal Technology Transfer Mechanisms Matrix
Mechanisms Matrix. A reference guide to technology transfer mechanisms websites . Action=6 . technology can look to the FLC to foster the rapid movement of federal laboratory .
Quick Reaction Fund Technology Transition ... - ONR - U.S. Navy
QRF takes advantage of technology breakthroughs in rapidly evolving . and Force Providers an opportunity to capitalize on emergent technology and to rapidly .
FLC Mid-Atlantic Region
The Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) for Technology Transfer is the nationwide . to accomplish the rapid integration of research and development resources . They include educating the public on the value of participating in technology .
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